
Mixed Truffles sweets 240g short shelf life

24,00 EUR
All prices include vat, plus shipping Postage to an address in Germany is free of charge from a value of 75.00 EUR (without voucher) per package. 240 g (Price per 100g 10.00 EUR) Item No: 1812 Packing unit: packing_unit


Zucker, SAHNE, Kakaobutter, BUTTER, MANDELN, VOLLMILCHPULVER, Edelkakao, MILCH, Glukose, ERDNUSSÖL teilweise gehärtet, HASELNÜSSE, MILCHZUCKER, Whisky, Kirschwasser, Rum, Orangenlikör, ORANGENSAFT, Emulgator: SOJALECITHIN, Alkohol, Champagner, Feuchthaltemittel: Sorbitsirup, Vanille, Kakaopulver ...und unser handwerkliches Können

Nutrion Facts

Average nutritional information per 100g*
Brennwert 2123 kJ / 510 kcal
Fett 33,9 g
- davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 21,2 g
Kohlenhydrate 38,4 g
- davon Zucker 35,3 g
Eiweiss 4,7 g
Salz 0,10 g
*All information is calculated according to nutritional tables and is subject to natural fluctuations!